Medical Information Topics

Here are some of the medical topics you may want to know more about. They have been chosen following a survey of our members.

  1. Symptoms and Diagnosis
  2. Just Diagnosed Questions
  3. Treatments - Non Invasive
  4. Treatments - Invasive 
  5. Urinary Infections 
  6. Incontinence 
  7. Erectile Dysfunction 
  8. Living with a Stoma
  9. Living with Neo Bladder 
  10. Will My Cancer Come Back
  11. Bladder Cancer Research/Clinical Trials/UK
  12. Nutrition for Cancer Patients
  13. Caring for Cancer Patients
  14. Exercise for Cancer Patients

These links might best be seen as a starting point to find your own set of places to visit. You may find better websites that are worth sharing with others in the group so do please forward your own links or names of organisations so that they can be shared with other members.


RBH / Reading Bladder Cancer Support Group - "The Bladder Cancer Experience" (see videos in link below):

If you are having chemotherapy prior to surgery, you may wish to take advantage of free cookery lessons with Life Kitchen that enhance food flavour while you undergo treatment: